Dragon's Toy 2
This piece won me the Sennelier Corporate Award at the 2005 AVA Artfest at the Triton Museum. The fun thing about it was that a lot of people would walk by the piece give a casual look and you see the thought process running through their heads. "Yawn, it's a nice piece. Fantasy is not my thing though. Besides all it is is a picture of a dragon flying an R/C glider.......What?!" At that point they'd come around and give it another look. Almost won an award for Ambush Leader at that show to, which shows that "furry art" and "fantasy art" can be accepted by the general art world when it's presented well.
The piece is about 14"x 22" and is primarily color pencil with some marker, gouache, and micron pen.
Prints: Available on DA ~ Available on Zazzle
Original: SOLD
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