So, my other project I've been diligently working on is a newish comic book... in full color.

To Kill a Dragon (no logo)

To Kill a Dragon

After a devastating attack by the assassin Venianim on the King's airship, a lone survivor wakes up confused and mute after falling into Nadine's apple orchard. With the entire kingdom in an uproar, only this strange, quiet man holds any knowledge on what happened that day and where the Great Dragon 7th, the assassin's real target, has disappeared to. Now both friend and foe want him, and the race is on to who can find him first.

I've actually had this completed in black and white for some time now as it was an entry to a contest. But since I never heard back from the contest holders, I must assume I didn't win anything and thus the rights reverted back. I do hope to rewrite the ending as I think I can do better now, but a good 2/3rds of the book is pretty much ready to go. So I've been busy teaching myself to digitally color, slowly working out a way I can do it quickly, yet not destroy my hand in the process. That last part is kind of important, but is still eluding me.

I hope to have the first issue, of four, online and ready for readers come Wednesday. And where online shall people be able to read this tale of Dragons and airships? Would you believe Crunchyroll?
